Look at our yummy Christmas veggies before they were cooked. I just love our brussels sprouts. They aren't just good to eat they are just plain fun to look at. I know many of you out there don't like them, but roasted with a bit of olive oil, salt, and pepper makes them devine. They are even good the next day and the next. I think they get better the longer they sit. The cauliflower and broccoli were fixed in the norm, steamed, but oh so good and good for us!

Here is a picture of our Christmas dinner. We had some of my favorite homemade 7 grain bread, steamed broccoli and cauliflower, yams, which I steamed and then made a sauce of orange juice, maple syrup, Earth Balance, some agave poured over and baked at 350 for about 30 min. We also had green bean casserole (our daughters favorite), roasted brussels sprouts, whole cranberry sauce, macaroni salad from the book, *The Vegan Planet", and the most wonderful vegan roast I have ever eaten. It is called a "Celebration Roast". It is made from wheat with a stuffing that is made from butternut squash, wild rice, apples, and various spices.
http://www.celebrationroast.com/My 7 grain bread recipe is one I veganized from my breadman bread maker book:
1 1/2 cup warm water
2 T. canola oil
1 T. Agave necter
1 tsp. sea salt
2 cups whole wheat flour
1/3 cup brown rice flour
1/3 cup spelt flour
1/3 cup buckwheat flour
1/3 cup kamut
1/3 cup oatmeal
1/4 cup cornmeal
1/3 cup gluten flour
2 tsp. active dry yeast
Put everthing into your bread maker in the order listed. Cook on whole wheat setting.
I hope you all enjoy!