Nourishing the mind, body, and soul along the vegan highway.

Friday, October 12, 2007

Internet Down

Hi everyone,
Thank you all for the wonderful words of support and comments on Brandie in her wedding dress. To keep you all up to date the happy couple are doing great. The photographs have not yet arrived, but have been ordered so they should arrive soon. Our internet is out at home for another week or so, which sucks since I can't do much blogging at work. I have been cooking and can't wait to post and share. Our whole area is without internet. It has been so slow we can't even post or email, but at least it is not our fault or expense. The cable company has to run new lines under the street. They said is should be back up in perfect running order in another week maybe sooner. What is one to do without the internet, and tv since the cable works both? I think a good book or a board game are in order. I am trying to visit everyone during my break at work, but if I don't post a comment know that I am visiting and miss you all.

Love to all and (((((HUGS)))))


LizNoVeggieGirl said...

oh no!! I do hope your internet WILL be fixed rather quickly - the blogging world misses you! :0)

Dori said...

Thanks for stopping by! I just had the opprotunity to catch up on all the great happenings...... the wedding has occured {{{hugs}}}}. I am sure that I would be an emotional wreck to, just because I have that tendency to cry easily.

Wow, you even met Karen! Awesome! Someday I am going to road trip and find this wonderful grocery stire you mentioned. It was so good to "hear" from you and to take a quick visit in blogland before I crash forthe evening.

Right now life is work which is time consuming. After teaching my curriculum the first time through the time consuming will improve.

I have been cooking more in the last two weeks than I have since going back to work. I am looking forward to posting and reading again soon.

Once again, love the wedding pictures! You have much to be proud of.

Dori said...

P.S. Hope the computer is up and running again soon.

aTxVegn said...

It's always something, isn't it?!!

Vegan_Noodle said...

Life with no internet? OMG not sure what I would do!! Cook a lot I guess... can't wait till you're back (and for the pictures! mine are supposed to come soon as well)

xxx said...

Please sign the petition against Guillermo Habacuc Vargas, the 'artist' who starved a dog as an 'art exhibition', and/or spread the story to others. Here is the coverage so far: Thank You!