Today is our 30th wedding anniversary. Wow! It is hard to believe it has been that long. The years have been great. We have so many wonderful memories and more love for each other everyday. Isn't it strange how the longer you are married the more you fall in love?We became sweethearts 31 years ago. I am so glad that my dreams came true. That my knight in shining armor came and took me to be his bride. Our oldest daughter could not be with is as she lives in Texas, but we received a happy phone call wishing us a "Happy Anniversary". Thanks Dana and Jac! Our youngest daughter surprised us with these beautiful flowers along with a homemade gift and card.

The words on the card

are perfect. I hope you all can read it. DD loves to wood burn and made this beautiful plaque for us. Around the edges she put the word love, in many different languages. I hope everyone can read it because it is beautiful. She said she ran out of room and had to put the date March 17, 77 instead of March 17, 1977, but we don't mind. Thanks BB! Here me and DH are with our flowers and gift. As you can see in the picture I am a blubbering idiot. Of course if you ask anyone in my family they will tell you that I cry at the drop of a pin. I won't tell anyone, but DH has gotten very tenderhearted over the years and he too, tears up in touching moments. (and commercials, television programs, stories in church.... the list goes on and on) Oops! Sorry Yogi, I guess it isn't a secret anymore.
I am so proud of our girls and thought I would share their happy faces. This is our oldest daughter, Dana. I keep asking for her to send pictures, but her and her sweety are so busy. Hi Dana and Jac! Send momma pictures!

Here is BB, our youngest all dressed up to go to a St Patrick's Day party with her sweetheart. She was very inventive this year. She dyed a white halter top forest green, sewed on stretchy sequence, made matching wrist bands, sprayed her white flip flops green, and cut shamrocks off the tinsel and glued it to her cheeks. You look cute BB, great job!
Ok, I guess that is enough of the bragging momma for now. On to FOOD! I decided I was going to get a head start on some cooking for the week, but did not accomplish nearly as much as I wanted to. Anyway, nothing real exciting, but tasty for sure. I had some potatoes that were beginning to grow. I usually use organic when ever possible, but we were given 5lbs of russets and they seem to begin growing much faster that our usual organic Yukon Golds. I also had some fresh chives that needed to be use. Our family loves mashed spuds, which is what they will have this week. I added "no-chicken" broth and a tiny bit of plain soy milk and mashed away. Then stirred in some finely chopped chives along with salt and pepper.

My next adventure was to use up some veggies that screaming "use me". I diced up 2 pounds of carrots, 3 small sweet potatoes, a cup of onion, about 10 or 12 cloves of garlic, and some red and orange bell pepper. Tossed them with a bit of olive oil, salt and pepper. Roasted them for 30 min covered at 425 degrees, lowered the temp to 375 uncovered them and let them cook another 10 min. or so to get some nice carmelization.

They taste like sugar. BB, the youngest, is not crazy about cooked carrots and she said she will be eating these for sure. We go through steamed veggies in this house like crazy. I cooked up 6 pretty good size zucchini and the last 3 tiny, yellow, crookneck squash. I was going to make stuffed acorn squash for dinner, but my mom came over and gave us dinner money from my her and my dad Thanks mom and dad! We don't have any vegan restaurants near us, but I tend to be inventive whereever we go. We all know that it is a hit and miss with most restaurants. We ended up going to Chili's. They have a meatless black bean burger that is really good. I ordered just the patty along with 2 sides of steamed broccoli and corn on the cob, hold the butter. I forgot to take my camera, but I promise it was really good. Omni man had his usual meat and potatoes with corn. Chili's has nothing in the way of desserts for vegans so we came home and I made Chocolate Agave Cupcakes from VCtotW. They call for 1 cup of unbleached flour, but I used half whole wheat pastry flour and they turned out great. In fact, they are too rich for me, but I enjoy savory over sweet 98% of the time. I cut the recipe in half and baked them in my mini-tart pan. Then I frosted them with your typical "butter" cream frosting made out of Earth Balance and vegan sugar.

After we took the picture we decided they should at least have something green on them for St. Patrick's Day so we cut more lil shamrocks from the tinsel and decorated a few to be festive.

That is about it for today. Thanks for putting up with my lengthy post. I hope everyone had a fun, safe, and yummy St. Patrick's Day.
Happy Anniversary! It sounds like you had a great day. The plaque from your daughter is really beautiful. I can't even imagine what it's like to live with someone for 30 years! That's quite an accomplishment in these days/times.
Happy Anniversary! What beautiful gifts from your beautiful daughters. It sounds like you got to celebrate in the best way.
Isn't it amazing how sweet carrots can get? There's a carrot pudding recipe I've been wanting to try. A vegetable pudding seems healthy for some reason.
I made VCTOTW cupcakes today, probably my 4th time using that book. They've turned out perfectly every time, just like yours did.
Hey, Sheree! Happy anniversay. Those flowers are breathtaking!! You and your husband are such a wonderful testament to love... 30 years!
A beautiful gift and gorgeous card, by the way from your lovely daughter. You, a "blubberer"? Well, you may be sensitive and a soft touch, but you know that there is nothing wrong with crying! (I do it a lot, too, so yer not alone, Sheree!)
Your daughters are precious. What a nice family! Brag all you want. I love to see love and happiness in a family setting. It's FANTASTIC.
The food's great, but i gotta tell ya that those chocolate agave cupcakes look insane. WOW! Really somethin' else!
May you have many more happy years of marriage, motherhood (and grandmotherhood?!?!) and thank you for sharing these happy moments with us.
Happy Anniversary! All the food looks great, though I'm with your daughter, I'm not too into cooked carrots (unless it's soup or something), though cooked parsnips are great :)
Congratulations on your anniversary! You don’t look old enough to have been married for 30 years!! I love the homemade card, it’s gorgeous and the words are so sweet. And the plaque is fantastic too! What talented and beautiful daughters you have!! The shamrocks on your daughter’s face are so cute! Your mashed potatoes and roasted veg look delish, but I adore your little cupcakes most!! What a wonderful post...thanks for sharing!
awww Happy Anniversary!!
Happy anniversary for sure.. now excuse me while I go blow my nose.. Evidently I am a blubber as well, I could barely get through the post after reading your card and plaque..
Midwest Vegan - Thank you!
Atexvegan - We did have a wonderful anniversary. Thank you! Your carrot pudding sound good. Can't wait to see that. You just gotta love "VCTOTW"
Kleopatra - We are truly blessed in our marriage and with 2 wonderful daughters. It's good to know that I am not the only person who cries at the drop of a pin. And YES!!! I am so looking foward to Grandmotherhood. Our youngest has a wonderful young man and the two of them are talking marriage. Of course, we are just waiting for him to ask DH for his daughters hand in marriage!
Just call me orangie - Hi Steffie, thank you!
Scottishvegan - Thank you for the compliment. DH teases everyone that he robbed the craddle. I was 18 when we got married. He was 23 so it wasn't really robbing the craddle. lol Both of our girls have great talents and enjoy so many things. I think DH loved the cupcakes most too!
Thank you Jess!
madeinalaska - Thank you and it is nice to have someone to blubber with.
Aw, such good looking kids - one of them being very inventive. That's great!
I love the agave cupcake things and the plate you used. Great serving dish.
Congratulations! How wonderful to have found a kindred spirit and stay married to him for all these years.
Wow! We share the same anniversary, only you are 11 years of married bliss ahead of me. I enjoyed reading this post, meeting your family, and seeing all the shamrock celebrating. I'm big on the steamed veggies too. All the food looks wonderful. I haven't been eating anything to amazing or amusing.... April 6th I should get a doctor okay and begin working out the stiffness in my thumb.
Oh... I forgot to say, HAPPY ANNIVERSARY!
Thank you everyone! I had a wonderful anniversary.
Happy Anniversary to you too Dori!
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