Through all the tears, which will most likely be with me for quite sometime, comfort food seemed like the answer. The top of my pizza. Who needs cheeze with all these yummy ingredients.

Yes there is a crust under all those goodies.

Yes there is a crust under all those goodies.
Cookies! I got this recipe from Celine . They are so fast to make and have an incredible taste. Celine makes 3, but I made 6, which gave me and my hubby 3 each. I substituted almond butter in my first batch. Yes you heard me right, my first batch. The second batch was the same as the first, the third was almond butter and currants, and finally the fourth batch was almond butter and raisins. Every night we ate cookies. Sweets to comfort the soul. We did make a vow not to make anymore for awhile because I was totally sweetied out. My sweet hubby is the sweet craver in the home where I am the savory. I only got pictures of the first batch. After that they were gone to fast to think about taking pictures. Oh, by the way they only take about 15 min to make including baking time. These are a RED LIGHT food in our home. :o)

"Meet loaf from Diann. These are so good. I made 3 smaller ones 2 for the freezer and 1 to eat. This recipe is a combination from Laura and the magic meatloaf.
I love these meatloaves. I had not made one in a very long time and I am so thankful to Diann for lifting my spirits with another favorite of mine.

BBQ sauce on the meetloaf and under the broiler for a few minutes gives them that crusty texture. Yum! Something else I rarely indulge in is a baked potato slathered in Earth Balance, but once again it was all about comfort food this week. On a healthy note, broccoli and sugar free organic applesauce were also components of this meal.

"Meet loaf from Diann. These are so good. I made 3 smaller ones 2 for the freezer and 1 to eat. This recipe is a combination from Laura and the magic meatloaf.
I love these meatloaves. I had not made one in a very long time and I am so thankful to Diann for lifting my spirits with another favorite of mine.

BBQ sauce on the meetloaf and under the broiler for a few minutes gives them that crusty texture. Yum! Something else I rarely indulge in is a baked potato slathered in Earth Balance, but once again it was all about comfort food this week. On a healthy note, broccoli and sugar free organic applesauce were also components of this meal.
Oh my goodness Sheree, I'm so devastated to hear that Tilly has cancer - I will be praying for you and Tilly everyday, and hope that you will be able to spend as much time with her as possible.
The pizza, cookies, and ESPECIALLY the "meatloaf" (I"m jealous at how lovely yours turned out! haha) look fabulous. I"m so happy to see that you're still able to cook through this tough time.
I'm so sorry. Having to say goodbye to a pet is so incredibly hard. She looks happy in the photos.
Oh, I'm crying right along with you, Sheree. I know Tilly is grateful to have you with her.
I'm glad you enjoyed the meatloaves. They are such good comfort food. And the pizza too - it looks fantastic.
I made Celine's oatmeal cookies too and got eight. I can't imagine just 3!
I am so sorry, my prayers are with you.
im very sorry , our prayers are with you family.
So much love to you and to Tilly. Our eldest Kitty, Table, was diagnosed with cancer and given about three months to live...that was more than four years ago. Granted, we got rid of a few tumors but he still has masses that pop up here and there. he is in no pain and his labs are always excellent. They are remarkable, resilient creatures. My heart goes out to you...may you have many many more days together than this news leads you to believe.
the food all looks fab. i think those meet loaves are in my future ;)
Sheree, I'm so sorry to hear about your sweet baby. I know it's hard for you... but at least you have this time to cherish with her. And I know you're making the most of it.
You and Diann inspired me to make the "meet" loaves too!! Yum--what a good idea!
Shoot me an e-mail if you ever want to talk... I'm here. ::hugs::
oh goodness, I'm so sorry to hear about Tilly. best thoughts to you...
So very sorry to hear abou Tilly. I hope she hangs on happily for much longer.
Comfort food like you've been making is alsways welcome at times like these....
I'm so sorry to hear about your kitty. :( She's beautiful and looks super sweet! My thoughts and prayers are with you for a full recovery.
I'm so sorry, Baby. You can only do what you can do. Life is about quality, not quantity. I'm sure Tilly is spoiled rotten...and that is wonderul of you. Try to enjoy the moment. I know it's hard.
The same thing actually happened to my kitty Boo-Boo when she was 19, abotu 2 years ago. I will say that they make steroids, in the form of tasty cat treats, that helped shrink my kitty's tremendously at the time, It really prolonged the quality and ultimately quality of her life. Cats do not experience the same bnasty side effects from steroids that people and dogs sdo, since their physiology is different. Email me if you want/need to talk, ok?
Sending good vibes your way
Poor Matilda... and poor you. It's so very sad but I love how she is so full of energy and plays. That says a lot !
I'll think of you guys. Keep us posted. Love to you all.
It's always hard when a loved one passes away or is in pain. Our first cat died at 19 years old in our mom's lap. It was hard, but we knew she was at peace. Last year our newly-adopted cat (about 5 months?) had a heart murmer and had a heart attack while our parents where evacuating from the hurricane. Just stay strong and know that you will always have her in your heart and the memories will last forever.
May God bless you,
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